Instituto de Radioastronomía y Astrofísica
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México


This is the web page of the IRyAGN group. A group devoted to the study of active galactic nuclei (AGN) using multiwavelength information. This group begun in 2017, when we start to gather together to pursue different group projects. Since then we have published several papers together.

The AGN residing at the center of some galaxies are known to have a complex structure of clouds. These clouds are composed by gas and dust, being the latter confined to the outer radii due to the strong radiation field of the AGN. The importance of this component is key due to its role on the obscuration of the inner accretion disk and the high velocity clouds, and, therefore, responsible for some of the diversity of AGN classes observed. Despite the enormous amount of effort put into studying it, little is known on the subject. The main difficulty on the study of this obscuring material is its physical extension (smaller than a dozen of parsecs), which prevents to spatially resolve it with the current state-of-the- art instruments. This group collect all kind of evidences to give the most complete picture of dust and obscuration around AGN and its connection to the gas, using the most advanced models and first-class current and future instruments.


This is the web page of the IRyAGN group. A group devoted to the study of active galactic nuclei (AGN) using multiwavelength information. This group begun in 2017, when we start to gather together to pursue different group projects. Since then we have published several papers together.

The AGN residing at the center of some galaxies are known to have a complex structure of clouds. These clouds are composed by gas and dust, being the latter confined to the outer radii due to the strong radiation field of the AGN. The importance of this component is key due to its role on the obscuration of the inner accretion disk and the high velocity clouds, and, therefore, responsible for some of the diversity of AGN classes observed. Despite the enormous amount of effort put into studying it, little is known on the subject. The main difficulty on the study of this obscuring material is its physical extension (smaller than a dozen of parsecs), which prevents to spatially resolve it with the current state-of-the- art instruments. This group collect all kind of evidences to give the most complete picture of dust and obscuration around AGN and its connection to the gas, using the most advanced models and first-class current and future instruments.


Temas de Tesis

Complex dusty structure using high spatial resolution spectra. C. Victoria-Ceballos (PhD 2019-2023)
NGC1068 reveals a complex structure of the dust within the inner tens of parsecs, when using N- and Q-band ground-based spectra, that cannot be easily reproduced with a simple dusty model ([Pasetto+19]). We plan to study how to explain this behavior developing new SED models. Furthermore, we plan to study whether the complex behavior of dust seen in NGC1068 is also seen in other AGN. For this purpose we have been granted with new Q-band observations for 10 AGN with available N-band.
Connection between nuclear and circumnuclear dust U. Reyes-Amador (Master 2019-2020).
We will collect a sample of AGN with both mid-infrared spectra and HST near-infrared images to infer the nuclear and circumnuclear properties of the dust in a sample of 20 nearby AGN. We will use radiative transfer codes to fit the circumnuclear dusty regions seen in the HST images. This will allow as to compute parameters as the size, inclination or total dust mass produced by the extended dust. These results will be compared with the nuclear properties derived from mid-infrared spectral fitting.
Studying the collapsing scenario through gas in LLAGN N. Osorio-Clavijo (PhD 2020-2024).
LLAGN are expected to show hints of the disappearance of the AGN obscurer. The lack of this obscurer can be observed at X-rays looking for the reflector signatures. We already collected observations of 20 LLAGN with NuSTAR that we plan to complement with ILAGN as a control sample.
Study of the connection between the X-ray neutral gas reflector and the mid-infrared AGN dust component D. Esparza-Arredondo (PhD 2016-2020)
We plan to perform simultaneous fitting to X-ray and mid-infrared spectra in a large collection of AGN. We have imposed that the mid-infrared spectra are AGN dominated to be able to determine the parameters of the models. This yield to a sample of 170 AGN observed with Spitzer. We then selected all the X-ray reflection-dominated AGN from NuSTAR spectra. The final sample has ~50 AGN, expanding in a wide range of luminosities.