Instituto de Radioastronomía y Astrofísica
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México


This is the web page of the IRyAGN group. A group devoted to the study of active galactic nuclei (AGN) using multiwavelength information. This group begun in 2017, when we start to gather together to pursue different group projects. Since then we have published several papers together.

The AGN residing at the center of some galaxies are known to have a complex structure of clouds. These clouds are composed by gas and dust, being the latter confined to the outer radii due to the strong radiation field of the AGN. The importance of this component is key due to its role on the obscuration of the inner accretion disk and the high velocity clouds, and, therefore, responsible for some of the diversity of AGN classes observed. Despite the enormous amount of effort put into studying it, little is known on the subject. The main difficulty on the study of this obscuring material is its physical extension (smaller than a dozen of parsecs), which prevents to spatially resolve it with the current state-of-the- art instruments. This group collect all kind of evidences to give the most complete picture of dust and obscuration around AGN and its connection to the gas, using the most advanced models and first-class current and future instruments.


This is the web page of the IRyAGN group. A group devoted to the study of active galactic nuclei (AGN) using multiwavelength information. This group begun in 2017, when we start to gather together to pursue different group projects. Since then we have published several papers together.

The AGN residing at the center of some galaxies are known to have a complex structure of clouds. These clouds are composed by gas and dust, being the latter confined to the outer radii due to the strong radiation field of the AGN. The importance of this component is key due to its role on the obscuration of the inner accretion disk and the high velocity clouds, and, therefore, responsible for some of the diversity of AGN classes observed. Despite the enormous amount of effort put into studying it, little is known on the subject. The main difficulty on the study of this obscuring material is its physical extension (smaller than a dozen of parsecs), which prevents to spatially resolve it with the current state-of-the- art instruments. This group collect all kind of evidences to give the most complete picture of dust and obscuration around AGN and its connection to the gas, using the most advanced models and first-class current and future instruments.



JWST Master Class México 2020
2020/02/17 to 2020/02/18

Dado que el lanzamiento de James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) está programado para Marzo 2021, actualmente se están planeando actividades para maximizar su aprovechamiento científico. Con este fin, Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI) lanzó una convocatoria a la comunidad para participar en la James Webb Masters Class en Noviembre de 2019 donde se discutirán a profundidad las capacidades del telescopio espacial y su instrumentación, cómo realizar una propuesta y preparar las observaciones, etc. La idea principal del Master Class presencial es entrenar a miembros de la comunidad internacional de observadores potenciales con JWST que puedan entrenar a sus comunidades locales para aprovechar al máximo el telescopio espacial.

STScI designó como evento oficial la propuesta de Master Class en México, organizada por las investigadoras Aída Wofford (Ensenada) y Yilen Gómez Maqueo (CU) del Instituto de Astronomía y Omaira González Martín del Instituto de Radioastronomía y Astrofísica de la UNAM. El equipo participará en la Master Class en sitio en Noviembre de este año, en preparación para impartir una Master Class en Febrero 2020 para la comunidad mexicana.
REM 2019: Reunion de Extragaláctica en México
2019/12/02 to 2019/12/06

The aim of REM is to join to all the observational and theoretical astronomers working in the field of extragalactic astronomy in the country. Our aim is an informal meeting where we will be able to communicate ongoing or recently finished works to open them to discussion in the community. We think it could be a good opportunity to create networks among Mexican scientists. We would like to host these meetings once a year where the main host could change every year. All of you are invited to this initiative.